
4 Easy Diet Changes to Help Kickstart Your Weight Loss

Positive Health Wellness have produced a definitive guide via an infographic with images of 4 changes to our daily diet that we can make to help that we can do everyday to help boost our weight loss goals. This infographic was written by Karen Reed. The 4 diet changes are: 

The Best Fitness Tracker

In today's high-tech world, it seems like everywhere you look, someone has a fitness tracker on their wrist. Popularity for these health and exercise devices has skyrocketed for anyone looking to better monitor and track their health and activity levels including steps, sleep, heart rate and calories burned.

But with all the options out there, it’s easy to get lost in the hype and to be unsure (and maybe even confused) as to which device and tracker is best and most convenient.

Stretches You Should Do Every Day

Positive Health Wellness have produced a definitive guide via an infographic with images of stretches we can do everyday to help develop our flexibility and range of movement and to help us to recover in-between training sessions. This infographic was written by Karen Reed. The stretches are: 

- Downward Dog

5 Resistance Band Exercises That Burn Fat and Build Muscle

Positive Health Wellness have produced a definitive guide via an infographic with images of 5 exercises that we can do using a resistance band that can help us to build muscle and burn calories. This infographic was written by Karen Reed. The 5 exercises are: 

- Standing Oblique Crunch

Pick your Hard

Th following is a blog from a friend of mine - Rachel Jillot - who wanted to share her thoughts and experiences on her health and fitness journey.

Thanks Rach. Keep up the  great work.

High 5,

Matt :-)


The Active Commute to Work

Many of us struggle to find time to exercise around our daily life commitments- work, family etc. Therefore, exercising on our commute to and from work - whether that be walking, running, cycling is a great way to get active,Enjoy fresh air and scenery, save money and 'warm up' for and unwind after work.

Lisa who is a friend of mine gets active on her commute to work in Manchester by walking. Please see her inspiring story below.

High 5,



The Active Commute to Work

Carb Cycling for Weight Loss and Improved Fitness

Fix have produced a definitive guide via an infographic with tips and advice on carb cycling and How it may help us with our health and fitness and weight loss. This blog summarises the detailed article on carb cycling as written by Katy Widrick.

Staying Fit on Holiday

Going on a summer holiday is a great way to relax and have fun with family and have a break from work and enjoy life cal foods and drinks. However, we can still keep active and eat and drink healthily whilst on holiday and still enjoy ourselves.


Big inspired thank you to Tracy Henry for sharing her thoughts, motivations and reasons why she exercises and what it means to her to be fit, active and healthy. 

High 5,

Matt :-)



"Exercise is important to me as it helps me keep physically and mentally strong! 

I have always enjoyed exercise & having a PT has changed my life as I have been pushed to limits that I thought I could never achieve! 

Getting Back Into Playing Sport as an Adult

Playing Sport is a great way for us to get active, enjoy exercise, make friends and be competitive. No doubt many of us adults enjoyed playing Sport in our younger days at school, college etc. However, due to work, motivational and family commitments we may have had to stop playing the sports we enjoyed and struggled to find time to exercise. Whatever the reason for stopping playing Sport, it can be difficult to rejoin playing Sport as an adult. 


"I would recommend Matt’s services to anyone seeking a personal trainer. A friendly and quality service is provided which is proven to get positive results."
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