Personal Training Blog

Personal Training makes you look good and feel great. My role is to provide you with the tools for you to achieve this. If you are committed and have the desire, try your best, think outside of the box and have a bit of fun you can achieve your health and fitness goals. Live life in the active lane. Little active steps taken today, lead to giant progress strides tomorrow.


"Together we'll achieve your goals"

  • Posted on: 25 Jan 2012 - 18:49
    The following are the most 'valuable' and 'beneficial' articles that I have shared with my clients and my followers on Twitter this past week (in no particular order). Please click on the blue link to read: Obesity epidemic. Cycling and walking to walk to boost your health 10 foods in incorporate into your nutrition plan. Weight loss tips to help drop extra pounds. Fat loss advice and information. Food and fitness facts. Best ways to stay hydrated. Champion Athlete interview. Four weeks to a better physique Build a six-pack with protein at breakfast Nutritional supplements to complement your diet and training. Please keep looking at my website for future blogs on the best articles that I have read and shared. There will be a mixture of...
  • Posted on: 22 Jan 2012 - 15:31
    All too often I hear people say that “I don’t have enough time to exercise” or “I am too busy to find time to train”. After asking people why this is, they often assume that you need to spend hours in the gym slogging away, for instance, on a cross trainer or treadmill. I then enquire about the type of training they do in the gym and the intensity they train at. The regular response is often something similar to “I spend 45 minutes on the cross trainer and then 30 minutes on the rowing machine and am sweating at the end”. Therefore, it appears that the assumption (wrongly!!) is that it’s the quantity of the exercise and not the quality that counts. This could be one of the reasons why people spend hours and hours (for weeks, months and...
  • Posted on: 19 Jan 2012 - 18:40
    The following are the most 'valuable' and 'beneficial' articles that I have shared with my clients and my followers on Twitter this past week (in no particular order). Please click on the blue link to read: Advice for improving your fitness Make your workouts more effective. Maximize your body's ability to burn fat and calories. Exercises to help burn visceral fat. Break through your fitness plateaus. Six components of a six pack. Professional athlete interview. Popular fast foods and tips to make them healthier Nutritional supplements to complement your diet and training. Please keep looking at my website for future blogs on the best articles that I have read and shared. There will be a mixture of nutrition, training and general...
  • Posted on: 18 Jan 2012 - 16:48
    The following is a guest blog from David Mendel who runs a Health and Fitness website from New York, USA called Fitness Hook. As we all have heard, it’s very import to drink lots of water and it is important to know what drinking the proper amount of water does for the body: Natural thirst returns to normal Your metabolic functions improve Your blood volume is maintained Your fluid retention is elevated Your liver function improves which increases the amount of fat used for energy. Your appetite decreases significantly Nutrients are distributed throughout the body better Your body temperature regulations improve   So what does this all mean for someone that is working out to lose weight?  As you can see it is a very important component...
  • Posted on: 12 Jan 2012 - 18:36
    The following are the most 'valuable' and 'beneficial' articles that I have shared with my clients and my followers on Twitter this past week (in no particular order). Please click on the blue link to read: Secrets of fat loss. Fuelling up before, during and after your workout. 7 Superfoods for your heart. Feel younger and defy your age. Finding time to exercise and get active. Eating well to build lean muscle. Six-Pack hits and myths. Best superfoods for weight loss. Professional strongman interview. Popular fast foods and tips to make them healthier Nutritional supplements to complement your diet and training. Please keep looking at my website for future blogs on the best articles that I have read and shared. There will be a mixture of...
  • Posted on: 7 Jan 2012 - 16:17
    From my experience of working with clients, in order to help you achieve your health and fitness goals, the 3 key areas to focus on are training, nutrition and rest/recovery. However, a crucial component that people often overlook is rest/recovery. Rest days should form a vital part of your training programme. People often assume (wrongly) that you get stronger and fitter whilst training, for instance in the gym or going running. However, it is during your rest days (alongside correct nutrition) that you benefit from your work done during your training session - whether that be in the gym or playing sport for instance. It is only when you stand back and give your body (or certain areas of our body) a chance to recover and get stronger and...
  • Posted on: 5 Jan 2012 - 20:26
    The following are the most 'valuable' and 'beneficial' articles that I have shared with my clients and my followers on Twitter this past week (in no particular order). Please click on the blue link to read: How to rev up and boost your metabolism. Sculpt your core in four moves. 10 most filling foods to help with fat loss and building lean muscle. Nutritious meals to help you drop pounds. 48 foods that you should be including in your nutrition programme. 10 simple ways to help burn body fat and get a six pack. 4 weeks to better abs. Best superfoods for weight loss. Professional strongman interview. Professional Rugby player interview Nutritional supplements to complement your diet and training. Please keep looking at my website for...
  • Posted on: 2 Jan 2012 - 20:45
    The following is a brief description of one of the Nature's Sunshine products that you can purchase through my online supplement store. Super Supplemental Vitamins & Minerals contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals that support your nutrition and diet. Balanced nutrients are often in short supply during, for instance phyical stress, or from a diet consisting of processed food. By supplementing your diet with super Supplemental Vitamins and Minerals, you can help to boost your nutrition, help your body to function properly and be healthy. An average diet and lifestyle provides us with an average state of health. However, improving our nutriton and topping up the nutrients we get from our diets can improve our health now and in the...
  • Posted on: 31 Dec 2011 - 16:28
    The following is a brief description of one of the Nature's Sunshine products that you can purchase through my online supplement store. Omega-3 is a classification of certain kinds of fatty acids that result from the breakdown of dietary fats in the body. They are used to form membranes surrounding each of our trillions of cells. One capsule of Omega 3 provides: Fish Oil Concentrate 1000mg Omega-3’s are known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) because they are required for good health. Omega-3 fatty acids are a form of polyunsaturated fat that our bodies require in order to maintain health. Years of clinical studies confirm that a diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids is essential for a healthy immune system, cardiovascular system and...
  • Posted on: 30 Dec 2011 - 12:36
    The following is a brief description of one of the Nature's Sunshine products that you can purchase through my online supplement store. SynerProTein will help you obtain complete, high quality vegetable protein without the calories, cholesterol and fat of other protein sources. SynerProTein: Is designed to provide high quality protein which is dairy free, wheat free, yeast free, gluten free and virtually fat free. Contains the exclusive SynerPro Concentrate, which provides a rich and wholesome base of fruits and cruciferous vegetables with antioxidant benefits. SynerProTein is therefore an excellent source of protein for those on a vegetarian diet. It contains no artificial flavours, sweeteners, colours or preservatives. SynerProTein has...


"Matt is an extremely inspirational personal trainer, he’s always motivated, dedicated, supportive and up for the challenge"